by Jude Nwosu | Mar 16, 2022
Portfolio SeekMed SeekMed is an open aggregator of doctors of various specialties. The project is implemented in India and is very popular. With SeekMed, the user only needs to find the right doctor and book a traditional or online appointment. It is worth noting that...
by Jude Nwosu | Mar 16, 2022
Portfolio Dexen The Dexen Telemetry Mobile application is a service that acts as an IoT gateway to collect information from Dexen wireless sensors and transfer this data to a cloud server. Remote accounting of utility costs will save you from unnecessary worries and...
by Jude Nwosu | Mar 16, 2022
Portfolio LOOP The project was developed for a Los Angeles based startup, Loop Inc., a leading energy company in California. Its clients are industrial enterprises, trade organizations, as well as housing and utilities companies. They generates electricity and offers...
by Jude Nwosu | Mar 16, 2022
Portfolio Erachain Erachain platform is a multi-functional blockchain software and registry with the ability to store and verify personal data to simplify KYC and AML procedures, an internal exchange/market that has its own voting mechanism and a digital asset...